What is Osteopathic Treatment?

What is Osteopathic treatment?  Don’t you mean orthopedic?  How Are they Different? Osteopathic. Orthopedic.  I know… Two long “O” words, they sound kind of medical, and both seem to offer the solution to your problem.  Confused yet? Don’t be.  You already know one of...

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Home Office for Laptop Users: 3 ERGONOMIC HACKS

  So, you're working from home, and all you have to get your work done is your laptop.  That's great, but you've been finding yourself pretty uncomfortable these past 2 weeks.  Maybe it's time to make a few adjustments.  Here are a few of the best and simplest...

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That Pesky Neck Pain- 7 Quick Tricks

Neck pain is a nuisance for many of us. It can take many forms: a general tension, an ache, or a sharp burning pain. Pain can radiate down the arm, or even into the head. Worst of all, it’s impossible to ignore. We’re going to talk about a few neck pain tips that can help your ailing neck.

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5 Secrets for a Healthy Spine

Today we’re going to talk about how to maintain wellness in our spines. This is extremely important, because, as I’ve explained before, if the spine isn’t happy, other parts of your body won’t be happy.   Walk  Our bodies aren’t designed to sit. They aren’t...

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Why Your Spine Health Is Most Important of All

Years ago, before or during PT school I think, I was talking to my friend Will about exercises we did to stay in shape. I told him, in amazement, how everything in my body was stronger and less achy when I kept up with core exercises. “Well, yeah Tim...That’s why they...

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The 6 Most Important Habits for Physical Wellness

How do we maximize our physical wellness? What maintenance should we do on a regular basis to stay as active and healthy as possible?  “Maintenance” may be a dirty word in physical therapy, since it doesn’t often get reimbursed by insurance, but I think it’s great....

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Why Pronation Gets a Bad Rap

 Pronation, or flattening of the foot, is associated with shin splints, Achilles Tendon pain, and maybe even plantar fasciitis, a nasty pain on the bottom of the foot. Over the years we have heard of the dangers of over-pronating, and having low arches. We are sold...

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Why Your Physical Therapy Exercises Aren’t Working

Exercise is extremely important to our overall health. After all, it has 50% of the old aphorism for anyone seeking wellness: “Diet and exercise”. It is good for our joints, our circulation, and the health of all our tissues.   Why is it then, that exercises...

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Headache Hygiene: 4 Healthy Habits

Headaches are bad news. Not only is there pain, but you lose your concentration, and you lose being yourself. What most people don’t realize is that very often, headaches are mechanical in origin, just like any ache or pain in our bodies. (Read: Not in Your Head: When...

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